Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) Seed Funding RFA
Consortium on Substance Use and Addiction (CSUA)
Request for Proposals (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
Proposals are invited for Level 2 pilot research projects aimed at addressing issues related to substance use and addiction. We seek interdisciplinary Penn State teams to develop novel translational research programs, which can range from discovery-oriented research to dissemination and implementation science.
We are interested in applications that:
- Build new or advance existing collaborations involving interdisciplinary teams whose research is aimed at attracting external funding;
- Develop collaborations that involve early-career and established faculty (associate professors can serve in either role depending on their experiences), cross-college (including PSU Extension), and cross-campus team members; and/or
- Propose novel research, including high-risk, high-reward and transformative, proof of concept projects that provide preliminary data necessary for external funding.
Priority will be given to projects that make a convincing case for how the developing research program can advance solutions to the systemic problems of substance use and addiction. In line with Penn State’s Consortium on Substance Use and Addiction (CSUA), applications are particularly encouraged that map onto the University’s distinctive strengths in substance use research: pathways to addiction (including basic science, etiology, and epidemiology), criminal justice, and spillover effects to children, families, and communities. Projects that build strength in impact analysis or implementation and dissemination science also are encouraged. Proposals may focus on any addictive substance, including alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, nonmedical use of prescription drugs, and other illicit drugs. We are also interested in proposals that include translation and dissemination of evidence-based programs or new community interventions in partnership with Penn State Extension.
All Penn State faculty members (tenured, tenure track, fixed term, and clinicians) who hold an appointment at any Penn State location are eligible to submit a seed grant proposal as Principal Investigator (PI) of an interdisciplinary research team. Single investigator proposals will not be considered; interdisciplinary teams will be prioritized. Community organizations, state agencies, and investigators from other institutions may be collaborators, but not PIs. Faculty members may be the lead or co-PI on only one proposal, but may serve as a collaborator on up to two proposals.
Funding Timeline
Funding is available through this seed grant solicitation via the SSRI’s Level 2 mechanisms. Level 2 Proposals are due on March 15, 2023, and should be sent as one PDF document to No letter of intent is required. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions no later than April 15, 2023; projects must have a start date of April 30, 2023.